
You are here: Setting Up Program Options and Continuous Monitoring > Setting Up Continuous Monitoring (Shields)

Setting Up Continuous Monitoring (Shields)

You can set up Spy Sweeper to continuously monitor the following types of activities on your computer:

Spy Sweeper calls these functions Shields. When Spy Sweeper detects activity related to any of the shields, it displays an alert.

The Shields Summary tab (displays after you click Shields in the icon panel), as shown in Figure 3 , shows you a summary of all shields and their status.

Figure 3: Shields Summary tab

Shield Status
—Full Protection. All critical and recommended shields are turned on.
—Partial Protection. All critical shields are on, but some recommended shields are not.
—Vulnerable. One or more critical shields are not turned on.
—Shield related to potentially unwanted programs is turned on.
—Recommended shield is turned off. Click the shield name to go to the tab where you can turn the shield on. We recommend keeping all recommended shields turned on.
—Critical shield is off. Click the shield name to go to the tab where you can turn the shield on. We strongly recommend keeping all critical shields turned on.
—If you have Spy Sweeper with AntiVirus, virus-related shield is turned on. For information about turning on antivirus shield protection, see Setting Up the Antivirus Continuous Monitoring (Shields).

Table 2 lists the critical and recommended shields. We recommend that you leave these shields turned on.

Table 2: Critical and recommended shields 
Critical shields
Recommended shields
Web Browser tab
Web Browser tab
Startup Programs tab
IE Hijack
Tracking Cookies
Startup Items
Windows System tab
IE Favorites
Network tab
IE Security
Common Ad Sites
Browser Helper Object (BHO)
Internet Communication
Windows System tab
Hosts File
Alternate Data Stream
Windows Messenger Service

If the shields are unavailable (dimmed), you may not have access to this function. For more information, see Understanding How Spy Sweeper Works with Multiple User Accounts.
